Winter Celebration

As always, it was a bustling and joyful party. We played classic party games – pass the parcel, musical chairs and pinata, to the backdrop of beautiful live music from Play 4 Peace.
Then, we shared food together. There was a huge pot-luck spread of main dishes, sides, and desserts with volunteers bringing in home-cooked food to share with one another. A big thank you too, to The Graze Newcastle for bringing your signature fruit grazing board and dishes that we all love so much.
At the end of the party everyone received a food pack from Feeding Families and a gift. We are really grateful for the donations that made this possible. Thank you to Salvation Army for donating an amazing selection of brand-new toys for our children, National Literacy Trust for a donation of books, Lush Eldon Square for a donation of luxury toiletries, and to Newcastle Reformed Synagogue for your kind collection of gifts for us.