Language Support

Are you looking for ways to learn and practice your language and communication skills?

You can join the English language sessions at The Comfrey Project.

‘Bridge The Gap’ (Adult only), on Tuesdays 10:00am – 12pm

This session is mainly aimed at learners who are currently in a waiting list for formal ESOL and teaches Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening skills. This session is suitable for those on pre-entry to Entry 3 ESOL levels.

‘Language Café’, on Saturdays 10:30am – 12:30pm (Adult only) & 13:00-14:00pm (Child-friendly)

This is a drop-in session where you can practice and improve your English through informal conversation, fun language games and activities. Make friends, enjoy a relaxing cuppa or a delicious healthy lunch. Get to know your community, take part in fun trips, and more!

To find out more and to register, please call 0191 44 77 801, text or send WhatsApp message to 07869 803 593 or 07795 320 706.  You can also drop in at the Windmill Hills Centre on a Friday between 10:30am to 2:30pm to speak to us in person. 

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