Support during COVID-19

During the Coronavirus crisis we  had to suspend our normal services and develop new ways to provide remote support for our participants and volunteers, to address their needs and support their health and wellbeing during this challenging time

Our remote services included:

Wellbeing Parcels: We provided all of our participants and volunteers with wellbeing parcels every month, containing gardening resources, creative activities, learning materials and essential items such as food, toiletries and cleaning products.

Wellbeing Calls: Our staff undertook regular wellbeing calls with our participants and volunteers to keep track of how they are doing and if they require any additional support.

Internet Access Support: We provided phone credit vouchers to support our participants and volunteers to maintain internet connections and keep them in regular contact, to reduce social isolation. We  also established several WhatsApp groups to help people stay connected and communicating.

Befriending Service: Our befriending service identified participants at high risk of social isolation and paired them with a volunteer befriender, who checked in regularly with them about their health and wellbeing and to socialise.

Remote Language Learning: Both 1-to-1 and group English Language support sessions were offered throughout the crisis, and volunteer-led “Language Buddy” programme was launched.

Digital Skills Project: Participants were supported to share their talents, passions, skills and stories through videos, podcasts and other digital means. The programme was delivered through regular group sessions and workshops, while a number of partners, including Baltic Gateshead, SailCreative and Star & Shadow, have also been supporting participants along the way to develop their story-telling, presentation and technical skills.

What we do 3

Staying Safe during COVID-19

We urge all our participants, volunteers and partners to stay safe and keep informed by following the latest guidance from the government and NHS.

You may also find to following resources useful:


116 123 or email

Alcoholics Anonymous:

0800 032 5945


111 advice / 999 emergency

Coping in Stressful Times: Advice in multiple languages: