‘Wellbeing Wednesdays’ at The Comfrey Project
If you walk into the Comfrey Project on a Wednesday, you might be greeted by the calming smell of herbs from our garden boiling to make a soothing tea, invited to join in a craft activity, or even offered a massage… That’s because The Comfrey Project has teamed up with Tyneside and Northumberland MIND to deliver a new session on Wednesdays, focused on supporting migrant mental-health and wellbeing.
On Wednesdays we are cultivating a soothing and relaxing environment that is a little quieter than our bustling Friday drop-in. Every other week, we are joined by the wonderful Betty and Sara from MIND who are delivering arts-and-crafts-based wellbeing activities. On the alternate week, our wellbeing champions are running the session with Nicola.
So far, sessions have included exploring greetings in different languages, wreath, and xmas card making. By gathering around a table to do a craft activity, we can open up conversation about our wellbeing in a gentle way. In addition to a core activity each week, volunteers have brought other offerings to the session. Belmira has brought her offerings of massage and herbal tea. Azadula and Stefiney have been spending time researching local services and putting together a resource for everyone to use on our new communal computer. (A huge thank you to Paul from Nexus for arranging and setting this desktop up for us!).
Wellbeing Wednesdays at The Comfrey Project are only really in their infancy, but already they are shaping up to be a really lovely and restorative session. We would love to see you there!