Players of People’s Postcode Lottery award us £20,000 for Community Garden
The Comfrey Project has received £20,000 thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
The funding boost from Postcode Lottery Trust will enable the Comfrey Project to develop a Community Garden.
Comfrey Project Manager Yvonne Hartnett said, “the People’s Postcode Lottery award will enable us to expand the work we’re doing at Windmill Hills Centre, creating a Community Garden that will become ‘a place to be, a space to grow'”.
“The Community Garden will centre around an organic, multifunctional garden, with training room/meeting space, designated outdoor learning spaces, hedgerows, wildlife area including pond,herb garden, food growing, including fruit bushes and trees, kitchen garden, community/learning kitchen, a space for neighbourhood events and a ‘market place'”.
Postcode Local Trust exists to fund community groups and charitable organisations through a variety of grant giving programmes. To do so, the Trust relies solely on funding from the proceeds of tickets sales from People’s Postcode Lottery. When you sing up to play People’s Postcode Lottery, your postcode is your ticket. It costs £10 for ten draws paid monthly in advance with prizes every day. A minimum of 27.5% goes directly to charities across Britain and internationally.