Make A Flower Basket! Part One

Make a Flower Basket! Part One

 If you want to try and make your very own flower basket, you can follow this video from the virtual workshop that the Comfrey Neighbours gardening group put together for its members to participate during lockdown!

Thanks to Lucy and little helper Evie for the demonstration and thanks to the Best of Bensham collaborative for the community grant that they gave to the group to organise this activity!

To prepare you will need:

🌺 Materials🌺

*Floral foam (for fresh flowers), cut to size

For more environmentally friendly options use marble, sand, gravel, twigs, chicken wire

*Basket or container

*Secateurs or sharp scissors






*Lissianthus (But you can substitute any flower with others of your preference)



*Leather Leaf

*Salal Tips

*Thlaspi (The greenery could be a variation of foliage from your own garden)


🌱Places to buy materials🌱

-Country baskets

-Wilkos for floral foam

-Hobbycraft – florist section

-Florist shops and supermarkets. 

Enjoy!! Part 2 to follow!

#flowers #freshflowers #foliage #foliageday #flowerbasket #flowerarrangement #homemade #craft #homegardening #green #greenfingers #familyfun #fun #enjoy #communityfirst #community #neighbours #neighbourly #refugeeswelcome