Health and Wellbeing Event for Refugees at The Comfrey Project

Health and Wellbeing Event for Refugees 15

On Friday 22nd September, The Comfrey Project hosted a large health and wellbeing event, together with the public health team at Gateshead council.

A broad range of local providers attended and provided information on an array of topics, such as housing, healthcare, children’s healthcare, exercise, and more.

We are appreciative to all of the fantastic providers who attended and hosted an information stand, or ran an activity, to include:

The event was an excellent opportunity to connect refugees to services that can support them with their health and wellbeing in the local area. 

There were also taster sessions on aerobics and cycling and cycle route maps provided. As well as a selection of delicious healthy snacks provided by Graze Newcastle.

The Comfrey Project hosted a gardening activity in our garden, giving people a feel for the positive impact a spot of gardening can have on mental health and wellbeing.